Thursday, August 28, 2014

Baby Pencil

This is a poster designed for D&AD Awards. This design was specifically for the 2012 student awards. It is called "Baby Pencils" and representing the up and coming talent in the future of creative industry. I found it very interesting because I can relate it to the design principles we have discussed in class. First of all, unity is achieved by the repetition of the color, as well as the proximity of the three objects and continuity of the height of the pencils. Secondly, we can see emphasis through the size of the pencil. Meanwhile, the position of the three objects create an emphasis on the right pencil. Last but not the least, the design created an asymmetrical balance through the size and the position of the objects. 

It is not very complex design. But I think the power of simplicity is unlimited. The theme is clearly expressed. It reminded me how simple a design could work.